Know What is Software Testing, Importance & Different Types


Perfection is an illusion that holds you back from achieving something unthinkable. Sometimes, you have no control over making mistakes. All that matters is to rectify the mistakes and try to correct them appropriately.

Business software also comprises of few errors that need to be fixed in time and that too with a strategic testing approach. But first, you need to understand, what is software testing and its relevance to get rid of all the errors.

The testing of business software to find errors, correct them, and then reach the business outcome. In this competitive world of business, no enterprise is left untouched by automatic or manual errors in the software.

Here in this post, we will be looking more into software testing, its importance, and the different types of testing.

What is Software Testing?

It is a process to evaluate the functionality of business software and checks whether it met the specific business requirement or not. The process is conducted to find out possible gaps, errors, flaws, or any bugs inside the functionality of the software and take strict measures to eliminate the same.

The primary aim of it’s is to make your business system error and bug-free that is to ensure optimum functionality without any hassle.

Under the testing process, various components and elements of the software are testing before launching at the marketplace. It includes different types of testing, audit, and analysis to make your enterprise software well-functional.

Importance of Software Testing for your Business?

It is a fact that software testing is on the back of the line task for many enterprises. Complete importance is given to the full-fledged development and creative designing of the software.

However, it is important and you need it at all stages of hassle-free software processing and usage. Let’s have a look at the following points to better understand why software testing is a vital element for you.

Also Read : Best Recommended & Popular Software Testing Books

1. Enhance Product Quality:

An enterprise has to offer a seamless and easy-to-navigate website to customers. It is essential to provide an easy flow of information and a smooth way to buy a product or service on a business website.

Any kind of flaw in terms of slow loading speed, bugs, or errors will have an adverse effect on the minds of interested customers. They will switch to your competitor while leaving your site in between.

Thus, to prevent such a thing, you will be needing software testing assistance to fix all the irregularities well in advance.

2. Optimum Security:

Customers share their personal data while buying a product or book a service on your website. And, you need to ensure the complete security of their personally identifiable information.

Any kind of security glitch will lose all your data including the crucial details of customers. To avoid this risk, you need to follow a strategic software testing process to safeguard the data in the in-house or Cloud storage.

3. Fix Compatibility Issues:

Software accessibility is no longer confined to the realm of hefty computer systems or laptops only. Customers prefer to access the brand’s website on smartphones with full compatibility. In this relation, you can hire a professional testing agent to check your software compatibility across numerous devices.

Check Out the Different Types of Software Testing?

Since every application and business software is different. So, is the testing techniques and their various types. Thus, get to know the different types of software testing categorized under Functional and Non-Functional respectively.

Functional Testing

As the name implies, this type of testing checks the overall function of software as per the desired requirements of enterprises. Functional testing is further divided into different levels of testing that are as follows:

* Unit Testing:

Under this, individual components of the software are tested to see whether they behave according to the requirements or not.

* System Testing:

Professional tester executes various test cases to verify the compliance of integrated and complete software along with features & specifications.

* Regression Testing:

Under this setting, old cases of the application are executed once a new functionality has been created.

* Smoke Testing:

A simple yet important testing method that checks whether users can easily log in and log out.

* Interface Testing:

It checks the communication between two software systems is correct or not.

Non-Functional Testing

Non-functionality software testing checks the performance, reliability, and usability of the application. It ensures optimum functionality and performance of the software under load conditions.

1. Performance Testing:

The speed and overall performance of the software is tested to see whether it performs according to the specific customer requirements or not.

2. Load Testing:

It tests the application behavior and performance under stringent load conditions.

3. Stress Testing:

It helps to checks the software’s robustness to find out whether it performs beyond its usual capacity or not.

4. Security Testing:

This testing process is followed to check whether the software is fully safeguarded against attacks from internal and external sources.

5. Reliability Testing:

It helps to evaluate the reliability of software to see whether it can perform a specific function without failure.

Two Ways of Testing a Software

There are two ways of conducting the above-mentioned tests on software and that is through the Manual and Automation process.

Manual testing refers to the process by which testers manually test the application without using any tool or software. It is an old-school way of finding possible errors in the application. However, time-consuming and cannot be relied upon.

In the automation testing process, testers use pre-scripted tests to run several tests automatically without making much manual effort. This way of testing assures accurate and fast results as per the diverse requirements of enterprises.

Final Note

Now, you got an idea and why it is important to implement it. It ensures optimum functionality of the business application without failure and meets the different needs of customers.

In order to test your enterprise software using different levels of testing, then get in touch with TestingAgency. It is a leading software testing company having an extensive team of certified testers, an advanced suite of testing tools, and prior experience in bringing the most out of your application.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is Software Testing Important?

Yes, it is important for the seamless running of your business application without finding any flaws, errors, or irregularities.

By performing different types and levels of software testing, the overall performance, security, load, and other parameters of the application can be fixed to meet your organizational requirements.

2. In How Much Time It Can be Done?

There is not a single method available. There is a plethora of testing types and ways that can be decided based on your requirements.

The timeline also depends on the size of your application, overall functionality, complexity, and resources required on a particular project.

3. Which has More Impact Performance Testing or Load Testing?

Both performance and load testing have an impact in terms of enhancing the non-functional capabilities of the software. While performance testing checks the maximum working level of an application without any failure.

On the other side, load testing checks the capacity of the application to meet the requirements of users at a single time beyond its usual ability.