Difference Between Localization Vs Globalization Testing


The digital landscape has become more competitive than ever. Every third enterprise likes to be a part of a profit-driven online world by way of developing result-oriented websites and software.

Many companies want to develop websites having a universally accepted appeal along with a tendency to meet local customers’ requirements as well.

Thus, validating the efficiency and functionality of a website on a global and local level is important. And, this is where comes the rising debate of Localization Vs Globalization Testing.

It’s like finding the right way of testing the software either on a local accessibility level or to meet global audience requirements with ease.

Localization Vs Globalization Testing

Here, we will be looking at the contrast between localization testing and globalization. And, find out which holds relative importance over another.

Both these are two testing processes adopted by enterprises from large to small. The purpose is to check the core functionality of the website, especially in relation to local and global search levels.

What is Localization Testing? (Localization testing services)

Localization testing services are meant to check the local version of the software. In simple terms, professional testing agents check whether the software meets product/service requirements of the local target audience having the same culture, follows a universal language, and no complexity changing functionalities for every single section.

What is Globalization Testing?

If business software has a widespread reach towards international barriers means across international borders, then different people of different cultures with varied language will get access to your site.

Thus, to meet the demands of a wider audience, the globalization testing process is followed. This method ensured that software application functions appropriately in any culture or any language without changing the code of the web pages.

Features of Globalization & Localization Testing

Localization Testing

  • The testing process is utilized to evaluate the functionality and compatibility of the software with regard to any particular region/locality.
  • It is not required for a localized product.
  • It checks the typographical errors.
  • Validates the localized linguistic & resource attributes.
  • It helps to customize the software for a preferred choice of network.

Globalization Testing

  • It validates the functionality of the software used at the international level.
  • Enables the software conversion in different languages.
  • Evaluates the basic functionality and features to promote global acceptance.
  • Testing helps to detect potential problems and issues.
  • Ensures linguistic accuracy.

Major Difference Between Localization & Globalization Testing

From the above-mentioned meanings and features, it is evident that localization testing checks the regional usage of the application.

Whereas, globalization testing technique evaluates the software usage as per global standards and according to international customers as well.

Despite having different testing approaches, localization Vs globalization is still a dilemma in the minds of enterprises. So, now come to know the key differences between the two.

Also Read : Know What is Software Testing, Importance & Different Types


  • Support: Localization testing is performed to verify that the software supports a precise language that belongs to a single best community.
  • Code: Localized product is not required for testing.
  • User-Base: It emphasizes a small section of a user base for a given culture or locality.
  • Issues: It helps to detect typographical mistakes.
  • Testing: While executing the testing, it is believed to say the fact that software is used across the limited target audience as per the specific region.
  • Time: Localization testing takes less time as compared to globalization testing.


  • Support: Globalization testing is followed to evaluate software supports multiple languages of diversified areas.
  • Code: Globalization testing enables the software to function appropriately for different regions without changing the code.
  • User Base: It emphasizes that all the people belong to different international boundaries as one general user base.
  • Issues: It helps to find out potential issues with the software in terms of expected performance.
  • Testing: While executing the testing, it is believed that software is being widely used all across the world.
  • Time: Globalization testing takes much more time comparatively.

Final Analysis

If we have concluded who is the winner in the software testing preference battle of localization Vs globalization, then both are real winners in terms of respective target audience testing.

Localization is important to check the accuracy of the software in the local region. Once established only, enterprises look to expand software reach across the global level.

And, this is where the role of globalization testing drops in. In short, both the testing types are important and you can find more information at a software testing company called TestingAgency.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why Do We Need Software Testing Service?

Mere software development is not enough to meet the varied enterprise requirements and to meet customers’ expectations. Unless and until you have evaluated the seamless functionalities of software using specialized testing techniques.

2. Which is Better Localization or Globalization Testing Technique?

Both are equally good in terms of verifying the efficiency and checking the functional reliability of software at the local and global levels.

3. What is the Cost of Localization Testing Services?

The price depends on the scale of your business software including functions and features. Also, matter the local target audience and their preference to find specialized features on the software.