Top-Rated DevOps Testing Tools for Automated Software QA

There has been a continuous inclination towards adopting agile working methodologies from the past decade. DevOps Testing Tools are an integral part of being agile and allowing different teams to work with an optimum level of efficiency.

Those, who do not know much about DevOps, must read it here. DevOps (Development and Operations), is a streamlined and result-oriented methodology to combine the efforts of development and operations teams.

It is the combination of different working cultures, philosophies, methods, and ideologies to increase an organization’s ability to deliver the best services. Moreover, it evolves the working process of an enterprise by combining the efforts of different stakeholders and ultimately results in better customer service, faster time to market, early detection of errors, improved software testing, and automated build-up.

Concerning the process of software testing, DevOps automates several manual testing phases to reduce deployment time and errors. It is the new-age methodology to offer agile and functional testing services to maintain the effectiveness of software at a large scale.

Here, we will look at the list of the top ten DevOps testing tools available to automate the process of software QA ideally.

Top DevOps Testing Tools to Consider

1. Splunk

Splunk is a platform where DevOps developers can search, scrutinize, and visualize the data generated by machines or logs. The viable information is collected from a wide range of devices like mobile, sensors, websites, etc., for further analysis. Now, developers make the best use of data to recognize possible threats or irregularities and prevent the same well in advance.

Top Features:

  • Data available in multiple formats
  • Sheer tracking of business metrics to find real-time insights
  • Knowledge of operational intelligence
  • Search data seamlessly
  • Analyze the machine-generated data
  • Integration of tools

2. Kobitan

Kobitan is a continuous testing tool that automates the process of testing software to find possible bugs and irregularities. It helps to make the app or website with seamless functional, performance, and visual test automation abilities. The testing tool ensures DevOps agility by resolving the issues of software before releasing it into production and rapidly deploying kick-off tests.

Top Features:

  • Perform testing on real-time devices on the Cloud
  • Seamlessly integrate with Travis CI, CircleCI, Jenkins, and more
  • Ensures scriptless, scripted automated functional, visual, and performance testing
  • Unlimited user policy with commercial scalability
  • Access to a real-time device within the IDE

3. ELK Stack

ELK Stack is a perfect combination of three different, robust, and open-source tools like Kibana, Elasticsearch, and Logstash. The tool uses to analyze the gathered data to bring insights. It provides access to each log and centralized logging in the facility to address the valuable data.

Top Features:

  • Open-source tool with extensive plugins
  • Lightweight tool
  • Simplified deployment
  • Easy to searchability
  • Gather and scrutinize logs from an Excel sheet or database
  • Fully supportive and interactive


Those who want to automate the process of software testing or back-office operations can rely on ZAPTEST. It is a software automation solution available for professional testing agents to automate the whole process.

Top Features:

  • Performance and functional automation testing
  • Robotic Process Automation
  • Test along with RPA
  • API Testing
  • Auto-Documentation

5. Ansible

Ansible is one of the most powerful software operations and effective IT configuration management tools. It is an ideal tool that automates the application and IT infrastructure-related tasks like Cloud deployment, development, environment, network configuration, and more.

Top Features:

  • Open-source management tool
  • Handles push configuration
  • Built on master-slave architecture
  • A great deal of security
  • Usual and simplified syntax
  • Preferred for IT companies
  • Agentless in nature

6. Nagios

Nagios is another powerful spot error-finding tool to enhance DevOps testing services to an optimum extent. The tool helps the organization to find possible errors and errors in the IT infrastructure and reduce the further impact on business operations.

Top Features:

  • Track troubleshooting issues that could hamper the performance
  • Quick fixing of issues
  • Plans the infrastructure updates to avoid system failure

7. JMeter

Jmeter is an efficient and free-to-used load testing tool that helps in DevOps development strategy and knows the reason for the load. As the name itself implies, the tool helps to know the reason for the constant load on the website and fix the issue in a hassle-free manner.

Top Features:

  • Efficient performance and load testing for various servers
  • Load testing plan in XML format that allows users to generate the test plan
  • Best used for automated and functional testing of apps

8. Puppet

Puppet is a configuration management tool that is available in two versions. One is the open-source version which is easy to access. The other one is the commercial one against which you need to pay a fee. Both versions of Puppet help to manage software on distinctive servers.

Top Features:

  • Open-source and commercial tool
  • Long commercial track record
  • Based on master-slave architecture

9. Sentry

Sentry is an open-source application monitoring and error-tracking tool. It finds, fixes, and focuses on errors and crashes progressively. This gives visibility across the product stack and bits of knowledge into errors that are influencing clients underway.

Top Features:

  • Improved stack follows assortment with single click operation.
  • Backing for every single significant system and dialect.
  • A thorough rundown of occasions and occurrence alarms and following.

10. UpGuard

UpGuard investigates data about organizations to compute a solitary mathematical worth that gives a speedy image of a safety hazard.

Top features:

  • Speeds up programming conveyance through the automation of numerous cycles and innovations.
  • The methodology used to oversee resources is just about as significant as the actual designs.

11. Codemagic

Codemagic is a famous start to finish CI/CD arrangement zeroed in on mobile applications. With Codemagic you can run unit tests or test your applications on test systems, emulators, or genuine gadgets as a component of your persistent combination and conveyance pipeline.

Top Features

  • CI/CD gives quick and solid deliveries.
  • It brings better visibility across development processes.
  • Bugs can be distinguished at the beginning phases of the form interaction.
  • Criticism circles give vigorous and incredible bits of knowledge.

12. Appium

Appium is an open-source automation tool for mobile applications. It permits clients to test a wide range of local, mobile, web, and hybrid applications. Additionally, it upholds mechanized tests on emulators and test systems. It is effectively utilized in the DevOps cycle.

Top Features:

  • Simple to set up and begin with.
  • Uses almost no memory for running tests and cycles.
  • An outer SDK isn’t expected to test local applications. Appium offers standard automation APIs that can be utilized on a wide range of stages.

13. Selenium

Selenium is one of the famous automated testing tools out there on the lookout. It is explicitly intended to help automation testing of a wide scope of programs.

Top Features:

  • Supports equal test execution, which diminishes the general execution time.
  • Lightweight and requires fewer assets than other testing devices.
  • Adaptable and viable with any working framework.
  • Local help for different programming dialects, like Java, Python, C#, Perl, PHP, and JavaScript.

14. LoadRunner

LoadRunner is a worked-on project-based execution load testing answer for rapidly distinguishing unusual application conduct. This testing tool is given by Micro Focus and is a decent decision among endeavors.

  • The vital highlights of LoadRunner are as per the following:
  • Supports execution testing for the vastest scope of conventions in the business and 50+ advances and application conditions.
  • Rapidly distinguishes the most probable reasons for execution issues with a protected auto-connection motor.

Concluding Thoughts

In a matter of a short time, DevOps has been pushed to new heights. It is widely used to embrace an enhanced level of performance and an improved set of productivity. In terms of automated software testing, there is nothing like providing the efficiency of DevOps testing tools available in both open-source and commercial versions.

Know more about DevOps testing, tools, and other methodologies by getting in touch with TestingAgency. It is a leading software testing company in India that offers end-to-end mobile apps, websites, and software testing assistance.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is DevOps Testing?

DevOps testing is an agile, automated, and continuous testing methodology that ensures the effectiveness of the app’s functionality. It requires a high level of coordination between the development and operations teams to carry out end-to-end automation testing to enhance functionality, performance, speed, and more.

2. What are the Different Testing Types Available in DevOps?

There is a total of four types of testing are available in DevOps and determine the flaws, errors, and bugs effectively.

  • Unit Testing
  • Smoke Testing
  • Integration Testing
  • Acceptance Testing

3. How Software Testing is Implemented in DevOps Setting?

The environment of DevOps software testing involves the following things.

  • Continuous and automated testing
  • Testing spans every single stage of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Different forms of software testing between SDLC to minimize the errors
  • Shared testing responsibilities across several teams