Get to Know the Most Important Mobile App Testing Types

The evolution of mobile app is unstoppable and continues to improve the lives of smartphone users. Just like the growing penetration of websites, apps have taken a bigger space in the digital ecosystem. It is due to bringing ease of buying products, booking services, finding a location, accessing websites, and so on. Looking at the rapid increase in demand and acceptance, 4 million apps are already there on Google Play Store and 1.8 million apps in the iOS app store. All of this led to rising competition among brands. There are only a few succeeds who ensure the complete security, usability, and quality of the app. All this can be achieved by performing strategic mobile app testing under the supervision of expert testers. More importantly, you first need to be aware of the mobile app testing types to know the functional, performance, and security reach of your application.

So, here in this blog, we will be covering some important details on different mobile app testing types to give an idea.

1. Functional Testing

Functional testing of an app deals with ensuring the proper functionality, seamless user flow, and to see all features are working or not. The test is performed accordingly to the meet app’s expectation level to a complete extent. It is important to conduct strategic app testing to fix functional issues at the testing stage and let it access seamlessly across customers.

It is essential to do functional testing of an app to understand what the app user feels like. Because 4 out of 100 unhappy customers complain directly to the company about functional defects. While the other 96 simply uninstall the app in the first place.

So, to maintain the user-base, functional testing of an app needs to be done to view additional things as well like, correct installation, easy sign-in and sign-up issues, text boxes and buttons, and correct push notifications.

2. Usability Testing

Usability testing checks the user-friendliness of the application. It checks how effective the application is in terms of usage and navigational flow. The testing revolves around the complete customer experience while using the application.

Experienced testing agents perform usability testing on the app to identify and remove bugs and irregularities to make it error-free. As per the recommendations also, usability changes are done to improve user experience.

Apart from the usage, additional elements of the app are kept in mind like layout design, intuitive experience, and fast response time.

3. Performance Testing

Performance testing identifies how well the application performs under a particular load condition. It checks, of several numbers of users access the app at the same time, when what would be the response of the application.

This test ensures the maximum level of performance of the app, especially under extreme load conditions. It is also kept in mind to prevent any kind of malfunctioning at any stage.

3 things checked under the performance testing bucket are:

  • Device Start-up time, battery performance, and memory consumption.
  • Any kind of network delays or errors.
  • API/Server performance

4. Compatibility Testing

As the name itself implies, compatibility testing is one of the forms of testing that checks an app’s compatibility with different OS, platforms, devices, and applications.

It checks whether the application is fully compatible with OS like iOS, Android, Windows, etc. The app should work effectively with several parameters and networks including bandwidth, operating speed, and more. It should work well with a variety of browsers like Firebox, Google, Safari, etc. Additionally, your mobile app works equally well on different devices despite the difference in screen size, resolution, storage, and more.

5. Security Testing

There is no doubt in the fact that security has of topmost concern in the digital ecosystem. At present, hackers have access to websites and apps to retrieve crucial information from users and enterprises.

Concerning the security of the mobile application, it needs to be checked well in advance before deployment. The experienced QA team checks the confidentiality, authenticity, and integrity of the mobile app. The team also ensures the fact that the application secures the personally identifiable information of users no matter on which device the app is being accessed with.

6. Installation Testing

A small yet important component of mobile testing, installation testing has its other name as implementation testing. It deals with the proper installation and uninstallation of the application on the respective app store. It is essential to check no interruption should be there on the user’s part while installing your application.

7. Localization Testing

Localization testing deals with determining the translation to multiple languages as per the local region, currency change, adhering to local regulations and legal documents. All these are important to check to know whenever a user accesses the app in a different region or time zone, then the application must adhere to the location-specific requirements.

Some of the critical points of localization testing are as follows:

  • Changing to the current time zone of a particular region.
  • Currency used
  • Text and user interface
  • Meet the local regulation requirement

8. Manual Testing

Automation Testing of an application does well to test all the checkpoints efficiently and makes it ready for the marketplace. Still, some complex mechanisms require manual testing. The professional QA team performs manual testing before delivering the final product. The team refers to several use-cases to take further expert opinion of the app’s functionality, usage, security, and more.

There are few things to be considered under the realm of manual testing.

  • Physical interface tests
  • Complex tests
  • Exploratory testing

9. Automated Testing

Some major elements of mobile app testing need to be combined with automation testing and manual testing.

  • Accurate design, build, and maintenance of test scripts.
  • Proper alignment and integration of existing engineering workflows with the automated process.
  • Seamless creation and maintenance of the app.
  • Management of test runs and setups.
  • Reviews to validate the test results and defects.

10. Mobile Device Testing

With respect to mobile device software and hardware requirements, it is also important to conduct mobile device testing.

Four of the device testing types are as follows:

* Interrupt testing evaluates how an app reacts to the interruptions on the device including loss of power, less storage space, incoming phone calls or texts, notifications, etc.

* It is to see how Location-Based Services (LBS) react while using the geo-data of the mobile device. Important is to provide real-time information on the app based on a particular location.

* Mobile devices have biometric security functionality to safeguard it. Along with this, there are face recognition, fingerprint, and hand gesture, iris recognition, and DNA or insulin levels. All these should be compatible with the app.

* Near Field Communications (NFC) allows the mobile device to communicate well with the nearby payment terminal.

Final Note

So, now you must be aware of what constitutes the strategic mobile app testing process. All the above-mentioned testing types need to be conducted at an early stage to get the maximum out of the application. For this to happen smoothly, get in touch with TestingAgency, which is a leading software testing company in India helping brands all around.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is the Mobile App Testing Process Different for Android and iOS Apps?

No, the process, steps, and types of mobile app testing remain the same for Android and iOS platforms. The only difference you see is following the different terms and conditions of the operating systems.

2. What Does Mobile App Testing Involve?

Majorly, mobile app testing involves functionality, performance, load, usability, and consistency of the application. All these points are considered thoroughly and strategically by the expert testing team. And, they make sure to provide you with a fast, responsive, secure, intuitive, and bug-free product.

3. What is the Cost of Mobile App Testing?

The cost of testing a mobile application varies according to different requirements, budgets, features, complexities, and other factors of the company. Also, resources are considered before making the budget for the app testing.